Hey its me Sammie and I thought it would be fun to write a blog.
So lately I have been playing outside a lot and doing school work. You know me, I like school. Since school is canceled now I’ve been sad because I miss my friends, my teacher, and learning in a classroom. But luckily I have still been learning at home.
I miss seeing the buddy benches being used, but I found a new way to spread kindness, called Sending Smiles!!! Sending smiles is just were I send an encouraging letter with a laminated smile in the mail to someone everyday. Some people have even writing back to me. The main goal of this project is to put smiles on peoples faces. If you want a smile, let me know!!! I encourage you to send smiles too.
Like a lot of other people I have been doing Zoom meetings. I have been doing Zoom with groups like: Helping Ninjas, She’s The Universe, Giving Tuesday kids, and Kindness Matters. I have also been doing some podcasts, one of them is Buneke
I have also been writing articles, one of them is for Boldly U.
During this time I have also been drawing with Mark Kistler, I have learned a lot of new techniques from him. I draw live everyday at 1:00 pm. with him. Talking about drawing or being creative, I have done a lot of Side Walk Chalk and Cap Art.
If you want to here more about whats going on in my life, I will try to blog more and you can watch my cap talk lives on face book or follow me on Instagram.
Thanks for reading. Bye!!!
These are my Smiles, I am trying to send one to every state
Side Walk Chalk Smiles
one of my drawings
Zooming with Shes The Universe
Hey, were still 6 feet apart